Paying the 1st Eastleigh

Please use a bank transfer into the following Lloyds Bank account:

 Sort Code: 309294

Account Number: 00076022

 Account Name: 1st Eastleigh Scouts Group

All payments go into this bank account. Please ensure that you include a reference to allow us to reconcile your payment.  If you have an invoice then please use the invoice number.

All short term hall bookings should use the invoice number or add the date of the booking.

Payments by Parents

These codes are good examples of what to use as your payment reference. 

If you have been provided with a code for an event please use that.

Payment Type

Squirrel Subscriptions

Cubs Subscriptions

Beavers Subscriptions

Scouts Subscriptions

Beaver Activity  – e.g.Kayak

Cub Camp – Add camp name

Simple description of the activity, e.g. a Caving Trip

Scout Camp, add some details of the camp location, e.g. SCampPinsent

Suggested Code






CCamp + kayak


SCamp + Camp name

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