Boys and girls aged 4 to 6

We started a Squirrel Drey in September 2024. The meetings are now up and running with a new set of Leaders.
Please get in touch for more information.
Squirrels can achieve anything they set their minds to – and they have lots of fun along the way.
The one-hour sessions are a brilliant opportunity for young people to take their first step into being part of Scouts, and they’ll help everyone get ready for the adventure of school too.
Sessions are packed with outdoors activities, fun, games, badges, laughter, and so much more to help our youngest members learn the skills they need for life. Of course, none of it would be possible without the support of the amazing leaders who plan and deliver such an inspiring programme.
Meetings are held on each Friday during term times from 5.30 to 6.30.

Sammy squirrel can provide more information if you want. Use the Find out more button to get in touch.

If you need to pay the Scout Group for activities, uniforms purchased through the Group, or Subscriptions then the process is the same for all payments. For guidance on how to pay please click the button.
To download our general parent guide click on this button. (Opens in a new window.)
Squirrel Section News
After a break of several years we are holding a quiz night on the 15th March 2025.Doors Open 7.00. First question 7.30 …
It was great to see so many people at the Christmas Bazaar last night. Father Christmas was really busy with all the …
The date has been set for our Christmas Bazaar. There are lots of christmas stalls, games, refreshments, tombola, raffle. Entry is free …
Autumn Term subs of £30 per member are now due. Please pay by bank transfer into the Group account. If you have …