
Squirrel Drey

10 Jul 2024

We are starting a Squirrel Drey for boys and girls aged 4 to 6 from September 2024. If you want your child to attend or more information please get in touch with the Scout Group using our contact email admin@1steastleighscouts.org.uk.

One of our team will be in touch.

Hog Roast

10 Jul 2024

Work is well underway for our annual Hog Roast day. There will be a wide range of activities for all to enjoy including:

Barbeque with beef burgers and hot dogs


Hog roast



Bouncy Castle


Please join us at the Scout Centre on Chamberlayne Road, Eastleigh on the 20th July 2024 from 6.00pm.

Trustee Board

2 May 2024

The AGM is set for 21st June and we are looking to fill several places on our Trustee Board. The role involves guiding the Group in its role to provide adventerous activities to the young people of Eastleigh.

If you would like to volunteer then please contact the Group via the contact page or using the admin@1steastleighscouts.org.uk email address.

The only qualifications are a desire to support young children. All Trustees must be able to comply with the legal requirements for Trustees. These include being over 16 and not being disqualified as …

2024 AGM

4 Apr 2024

The Scout Group AGM will be held on 21st June at 7.30 after Friday Beavers. It would be great to see all Scouts, Cubs and Beavers along with their parents at the (very) short meeting.

Christmas Bazaar

21 Nov 2023

Many thanks to those who dropped into our Christmas Bazaar on Saturday. It was great to see so many people, even after the “Christmas Lights Switch On” event was cancelled in Eastleigh town centre.

The wide variety of stalls were all very busy and loads of christmas shopping was done.


10 Nov 2023

1st Eastleigh Scouts are planning to open a Squirrels Drey in March 2024.

Squirrels are for children aged 4-6 years. More information can be found on the following web page–https://www.scouts.org.uk/squirrels/

GSL Tom Brewster is holding a meeting on Wednesday 15th November in the hall at 7pm for anyone who might be interested in volunteering or registering their child.

Please advertise with friends/family who might be interested.

Christmas Bazaar – details

9 Nov 2023

Plans are being finalised for the many stalls at our Christmas Bazzar this year. We have over 18 stalls with most targetted at fun for Children. Follow the link for details:


Annual Camp 2024

14 Oct 2023

We are currently finalising the details for our annual camp. We have booked sites at Huish Woods campsite in Somerset for Scouts and Cubs.

The dates are 10th August to 17th August.

Christmas Bazaar

14 Oct 2023

Our annual Christmas Bazaar will be held at the headquarters on Chamberlayne Road on 18th November from 2pm to 4pm.

This event is timed to allow those on their way to the Eastleigh Christmas Lights swith on to pop in and make some important chritmass purchases (or just buy some sweets).

Stall to include: Tobola, kids draw, face painting, canndy floss. More to follow.


13 Jun 2023

An important meeting in the Group calendar is the AGM. It is the chance for the Group to demonstrate that we are functioning correctly and for members to quiz the Trustee Board members.

It is a fun evening with as many of our young people demonstrating the things they have done over the past year.

Friday 23rd June at 7.30, all are welcome